How Long Do Lip Fillers Last? Expert Advice on the Duration of Results

If you're considering lip fillers, you may be wondering how long the results will last. Learn more about the duration of lip fillers from an expert.

How Long Do Lip Fillers Last? Expert Advice on the Duration of Results

If you're considering lip fillers, you may be wondering how long the results will last. Luckily, the investment is worth it, as most lip fillers can last between six to nine months, and sometimes even up to a year. However, this varies from patient to patient, depending on the amount of filler they receive, their metabolism, the desired volume and the product used. On average, lip fillers can last between six months and three years.It's important to note that some people may need to have their fillers removed after six months, while others may be okay for longer.

The exact formula for the brand of filler you use will also play a role in how long it lasts. Additionally, your body's natural metabolic rate can affect how long your fill lasts; if you exercise frequently, your filler may break down more quickly.Juvederm and Restylane fillers are estimated to last between six and nine months on the lips, while Radiesse fillers can last up to 12 months on the lips. To ensure your results last as long as possible, it's important to protect your lips from UV rays and avoid facial or body massages for up to 48 hours before lip filler injections.If you're looking for a way to soften your pout with a lip filler, contact Southeast Regional Med Spa in Columbus, GA to schedule your initial appointment today and receive the right advice on how long lip fillers last based on your evaluation.