The Best Treatment for Sagging Jowls

Discover non-invasive solutions for sagging jowls such as neck lifts, thermage lasers, peels, fillers and more! Learn about Ultherapy and other treatments from expert Michele Green.

The Best Treatment for Sagging Jowls

Neck lift surgery (platysmaplastia) is the most effective, yet invasive, treatment for a double chin. It may be the only option available for those with severe double chin or substantial laxity. However, there are several other options to reduce the sagging or drooping appearance of a double chin. Surgical procedures, such as neck lifts, can tighten the skin and make it look less saggy.

Nonsurgical treatments, such as thermage, lasers, and peels, can alter the composition of skin collagen. Fillers can be used to camouflage hollow areas around the double chin. Additionally, many anti-aging treatments to restore collagen and elasticity will help prevent sagging below the jaw. These include laser treatments, microneedling, phototherapy, Botox, and more.

Non-surgical ultrasound procedures are also very effective when it comes to tackling the drop of the double chin. These procedures revitalize the skin by stimulating the production of new supplies of collagen and elastin to restore structure and definition to the skin for a smooth and smooth appearance. Ultherapy is the leading procedure in this field, using proven and proven ultrasound technology to gradually strengthen the skin from the depths. Ultherapy helps the double chin specifically by initiating a skin repair process in the jowl area that strengthens existing collagen and, at the same time, increases the production of new collagen.

Some patients see an initial lift after just one session, but actual results tend to become more evident in a time frame of three to six months as new collagen increases. Unlike a surgical facelift, Ultherapy has no downtime, meaning you can return to normal activities immediately after treatment. Michele Green is an internationally renowned expert in cosmetic dermatology, non-invasive anti-aging treatments, collagen replacement, dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Sculptra and Restylane, and Botox injections.